Rayburn Parts

Rayburn PartsPart No.NameDescriptionPrice (Plus VAT)
13673 NTBottom Grate Frame CompleteTo fit:
Rayburn MF/216
13670 NPRocker Bar Centre PullTo fit:
Rayburn MF/216
Bottom Bar SpacerTo fit:
Rayburn MF/216
Top 1/13668
Bottom 1/13668
Top Firebar
Bottom Firebar
To fit:
Rayburn MF/216/Supreme/Nouvelle/355
£24.00p each
3/16177Rocker BarTo fit:
Rayburn Supreme/Nouvelle/355/345
3/17549Rear Spacer BarTo fit:
Rayburn Supreme/Nouvelle/355/345
3/16276Secondary Air Sealing Plate FootTo fit:
Rayburn Supreme/Nouvelle/355
3/15947Clinker DoorTo fit:
Rayburn Supreme/Nouvelle/355
1/16190Secondary Air Sealing PlateTo fit:
Rayburn Supreme/Nouvelle/355
13705Secondary Air Shutoff SlideTo fit:
Rayburn Supreme/Nouvelle/355
Rayburn Hob ScrewsHob Screws
3/8th Countersunk Brass Slothead
To fit:
Rayburn No.1
Rayburn No.2
Rayburn No.3
Rayburn Regent
Grate Frame Support BoltsGrate Frame Support Bolts. 5/16 BS Whitworth CountersunkTo fit:
Rayburn MF/216 Grate Frame
Modified BoilerModified BoilerTo fit:
Rayburn Royal/212
Left Hand Oven
Approx 15000 BTU
Nouvelle Cooker Lids Nouvelle cooker Lids (pair)To fit:
Rayburn Hob/TopRayburn Hob/Top
Used but in great condition
To fit:
Rayburn 200/212/216